Saturday 31 May 2014

Saturday Snack: Peanut Butter Chocolate Covered Bananas

So today marks the first of many "Saturday Snack" tutorials! Today's snack is Peanut Butter Chocolate Covered Bananas! These are soooo easy to make and super delicious!

So to make this snack you need the few supplies and ingredients listed up above! Of course all these ingredients can be replaced with different things! If peanut allergies are an issue you can use other types of non-peanut butters (Yes they exist) or you can just leave them out. You could also use different fruits and experiment with all types of flavours.

So first you need to cut your banana! I cut mine into circles because this seemed like the most easiest shape to dip into chocolate, but any shape will do!

Next I melted my chocolate and peanut butter together. I started with about two tablespoons of chocolate chips and melted them until they were fairly runny. Then I added about one and a half tablespoons of peanut butter, mixed it with the chocolate and melted that for another 10-20 seconds. The more runny the mixture the easier it will be to apply it to your banana slices.
*Also remember that chocolate hardens very quickly so the hotter/runny your chocolate-peanut butter mixture is, the more time you will have to submerge your banana slices with gooey deliciousness!

I then immediately took my banana slices and submerged them into the chocolate. You could use toothpicks if you don't want your hands to get dirty, but I personally think it is so much easier to get your hands right in there and get a little messy! (whats a snack without a mess)

So I just set those onto a plate and stuck them in the fridge for about an hour. After that you can go ahead and eat your delicious SATURDAY SNACK! 

       -  Mara